本文核心关键词: Game English; hit point
引言:生命值是一个游戏中的常见概念。缩写为:HP。一般会被理解为health point。但是以下这篇文章(https://m.nbegame.com/post/11328.html)详细分析了HP的另一个更合理的解释:hit point。
对于魔兽争霸这种有练级概念的游戏,如果你看过比赛的英语解说,很可能对Creeping这个词不陌生。暴雪对于Creeping有详细的解释。另外对于在对手练级时进行骚扰也有专门的用法:Creep Jacking。
“Creeping” or “to Creep” means to attack the Creeps for experience, items, and a little bit of Gold. Creeping is an art form that can usually be improved on. The better you are at Creeping, typically the fewer units you need to attack the specific Creep Camps. Some players find Creeping a lot of fun because it’s a “mini-game” like Diablo within Warcraft III.
Creep Jacking:
Creep Jacking is attacking the enemy player while they are trying to Creep (attack the Creeps). This strategy is seen very often in play whether by accident or on purpose. The game play often goes through phases where players are attacking each other, then going back to the Creeps, and back again. It’s important that players know how to deal with Creep Jacking to play effectively. Such incidents have the possibility of causing you to lose the game if you’re not careful.